
Web 3.0 (EN)

Web 3.0, also known as the Semantic Web, is the next evolution of the World Wide Web. While Web 2.0 primarily focused on user collaboration and information exchange, Web 3.0 revolves around artificial intelligence, personalized content, and advanced interactions.

Web 3.0 introduces concepts such as structured data, ontologies, and metadata, enabling machines to understand and interpret web page content more accurately. This facilitates easier search and access to information, as machines can “comprehend” the meaning of data rather than simply displaying it.

Another significant feature of Web 3.0 is the use of artificial intelligence to personalize online experiences. Machine learning algorithms analyze user preferences and behavior to offer tailored content and recommendations that align with their specific needs.

Furthermore, Web 3.0 promotes data and application interoperability. Technologies like blockchain enable the creation of decentralized and secure networks, where users can share information and conduct transactions with trust, bypassing centralized intermediaries.

Overall, Web 3.0 aims to make the online experience smarter, more personalized, and secure. It emphasizes the efficient exploitation of data and the establishment of meaningful connections between users and machines. With Web 3.0, we can expect a new generation of online applications and services, offering advanced functionalities and enhanced interactivity.

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